
Showing posts from February, 2019

Blog Post 4

                           TLNT Chapter 5: A big takeaway from this chapter for myself was learning more about how we as teachers must make students aware of being observant of the sites that they find information on and to make sure they are viewing trustworthy sites. Learning about search engines and specific websites that are good for children to look up information is vital for students to understand in order to help them gain knowledge and learn the in’s and outs of using a computer for learning purposes.   There are so many great tools for students to use for educational purposes and I never realized how many amazing tools Google has available for teachers and students such as Picasa, Book Search, Handwrite, and Groups to name a few. One tool that piqued my interest in this chapter that I ended up doing more research on was Google Handwrite. With handwrite you are able to actually write on the screen of the I-pad to search something instead of having to type it out in th

Blog Post 3

                  TLNT Chapter 3:             Technology creates for an endless amount of critical thinking and problem solving. There all different types of technology that students and teachers can use to gain an understanding on information such as educational games, search engines, social media, webquests, etc. This chapter explains how useful technology is in helping children continually thinking and learning new things. In life everything constantly changes and the same happens with technology. By having children learn technology at a young age they are able to have a basis on the concept of technology and can continue to progress throughout their life. Online educational games are a great way for students to develop problem-solving skills in a fun learning environment. I have noticed that while students play online educational games they are learning so much while they really do not even realize because they think of it as a game. It is a great way for student

Blog Post 2

TLNT Chapter 8 Communicating and Collaborating with Social Media:             This chapter had a lot of great techniques that I believe are very helpful within the classroom.   Through using digital devices teachers are able to incorporate social media technologies inside and outside of the classroom such as email, instant messaging, and wikis to name a few. The chapter discussed microblogging backchannels, which really caught my eye. A student teacher named Joe decided to use twitter with his class but quickly discovered that not many students were viewing it. When he realized this was not working he took into consideration the students in his classroom and what would greatly benefit them by using twitter. He then began adding things to his twitter that would benefit the students on a daily basis such assignments, power points, tweeting about each lesson before and after the lesson, etc. For the older aged students I really liked the idea of using a twitter with them to communi

Blog Post 1

Tasks Before Apps Reflection:                             Chapter One of Tasks Before Apps brings up a great discussion about learning tasks that we as teachers have to take into account. It is vital to have a set of goals that you as a teacher want the students to achieve by the end of the lesson. It is also important for students to set their own goals as learners. Using technology could get distracting for students so making sure that they have a list of objectives and understand the purpose of the lesson to follow while on technology helps them in staying on task. As a teacher you must always think about what the main goal of this lesson is and how the students will implement what they are learning to tackle those goals. When it comes to technology with students it could become a challenge because when students see technology some automatically think of fun and not of learning. This is why the students must be aware of what the whole purpose of the lesson and what the outcome

About Me

Welcome to my class blog! Hi, my name is Brianna Church. I'm excited about having a blog! I've always been curious about blogs but never attempted to make one of my own. I think this will be a great resource to use for my future career as a teacher.  A little bit about me: I am a senior at St. Johns with a major in Childhood Education. I am currently a second grade student teacher and I am enjoying every second of it. I absolutely love my cooperating teachers and students.When I am not consumed with student teaching I just like to relax whether it be playing with my dog Bianca, watching Netflix, or just spending time with friends and family.