Blog Post 3

TLNT Chapter 3:
            Technology creates for an endless amount of critical thinking and problem solving. There all different types of technology that students and teachers can use to gain an understanding on information such as educational games, search engines, social media, webquests, etc. This chapter explains how useful technology is in helping children continually thinking and learning new things. In life everything constantly changes and the same happens with technology. By having children learn technology at a young age they are able to have a basis on the concept of technology and can continue to progress throughout their life. Online educational games are a great way for students to develop problem-solving skills in a fun learning environment. I have noticed that while students play online educational games they are learning so much while they really do not even realize because they think of it as a game. It is a great way for students to learn without the stress of being pressured to learn.

Tasks Before Apps Chapter 2:
            Creation is a valuable skill for students to engage in as much as possible. Through technology the possibilities of creation is limitless. There are so many types of websites and programs that can be used for all subject matters that are wonderful tools for teachers and students to use. This chapter does a great job of explaining all about the digital tools that are accessible to teachers and their students. One of the digital tools that the chapter explained that caught my eye was Explain Everything. This is a tool where you can create on a digital whiteboard, where you can create presentations using videos, and audio recording to explain your thoughts. For the younger grades this would be great to use to put on your classroom website for the parents to watch and understand the instructions for an assignment. For the older grades this would be even better because they will be able to express themselves more and really grasp the concept of playing around with technology and finding ways to grasp their classmates attention. This is great to use within the classroom to create collaborative learning spaces where the students and the teacher can share their ideas in real- time.  I really enjoyed learning about so many digital tools that I did not know about that I now plan to use in my future classroom!


  1. Hi Brianna,
    There are so many different games that can be downloaded for children to use. As you mentioned in your post when students are interacting with online educational games they are learning without even realizing it. Another great point you made was that students are learning without the pressures and stress of traditional textbook materials. This breaks up the traditional day to day routine.

  2. Hey Brianna,

    I definitely agree with what you said about how having children work with technology at a young age allows them to progress throughout their lives. The evolution of technology occurs at a rate that is sometimes hard to comprehend. To think that as a child I only had one computer in my house with dial-up internet that was used for primarily for e-mail, whereas children of today have their own laptops and tablets that allow them to access an entire digital world at their fingertips, is quite surreal. Since it is unlikely that this rapid evolution of technology will slow down any time soon, I think it is incredibly important that young children are taught to operate and learn from the current technology we do have, so that they may keep up with future advances.


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