Blog Post 4


TLNT Chapter 5:
A big takeaway from this chapter for myself was learning more about how we as teachers must make students aware of being observant of the sites that they find information on and to make sure they are viewing trustworthy sites. Learning about search engines and specific websites that are good for children to look up information is vital for students to understand in order to help them gain knowledge and learn the in’s and outs of using a computer for learning purposes.  There are so many great tools for students to use for educational purposes and I never realized how many amazing tools Google has available for teachers and students such as Picasa, Book Search, Handwrite, and Groups to name a few. One tool that piqued my interest in this chapter that I ended up doing more research on was Google Handwrite. With handwrite you are able to actually write on the screen of the I-pad to search something instead of having to type it out in the search bar. I think handwrite would be great for the younger grades because they may not want to type or have trouble typing when using the I-pad so being able to write directly on the screen could be very helpful for them to be able to use Google to do research in class during specific lessons.

Nurturing Young Innovators Chapter 1:
This chapter is very similar to TLNT chapter five because they both discuss the topic of being a digital citizen. As digital citizens we must ensure that the research and topics we are searching online are coming from reliable sources. It is important as a teacher to always be attentive and guarantee that the information that your students are learning online is factual. Teachers can then share these approved sites with their students as well as tell students to double check the sites they are on to make sure that they are learning correct information. Teachers can even provide students and their families with websites such as Digizen. org that explains in more depth what being a digital citizen is. This chapter does a great job at providing teachers with information on how to prepare students to become digital citizens and use their creativity at the same time. Using tools such as Skype, and Google Hangout to collaborate with approved outside resources, or other classes in the building is a great way for students to learn information in a creative way. I believe that creative opportunities with technology such as Skype really causes for the students to become engaged and interested in the topic being discussed.


  1. Hi Brianna,
    Both chapters are very similar in the fact that they address digital citizenship. Before incorporating technology it is important for students to have an understanding of the importance of using technology appropriately. It should be mandatory that before classes use computers they should watch DIGIZEN.ORG to have a better understanding of their responsibilities.

  2. Hey Bri,
    An ELL student I have using something very similar to Google Handwrite. It makes it so much easier for the student to quickly search for things they need. The student has no problem writing, but it can become difficult to remember what letter to place next while also looking at all the letters on the keyboard. I think this can be a great educational tool across all grades, especially younger students.


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