Blog Post 1

Tasks Before Apps Reflection:


Chapter One of Tasks Before Apps brings up a great discussion about learning tasks that we as teachers have to take into account. It is vital to have a set of goals that you as a teacher want the students to achieve by the end of the lesson. It is also important for students to set their own goals as learners. Using technology could get distracting for students so making sure that they have a list of objectives and understand the purpose of the lesson to follow while on technology helps them in staying on task. As a teacher you must always think about what the main goal of this lesson is and how the students will implement what they are learning to tackle those goals. When it comes to technology with students it could become a challenge because when students see technology some automatically think of fun and not of learning. This is why the students must be aware of what the whole purpose of the lesson and what the outcome will be.
            TLNT Reflection:


Chapter One of TLNT explains how valuable technology could be for teachers and students in and outside of the classroom. There are so many different types of technology to promote learning such as computers, i-pads, smartboards,etc. These technological advances for education give us all a variety of ways of learning. Technology is a huge part of today’s society and finding ways to incorporate technology in an educational matter teaches students how to use technology for a good reason. If used properly technology is a great tool to advance learning. I especially enjoy all of the different educational websites and apps that are around today. As the chapter mentions educational apps are an easy and portable way for children to learn on the go. It’s important for teachers to show the students as well as their parents these websites and apps in order to provide their students with multiple ways to use technology to benefit learning.

            Nurturing Young Innovators Reflection:


In chapter two of Nurturing Young Innovators the chapter discusses all about risk taking. This chapter gave me more understanding about how important it is for not only students but also teachers to take risks within the classroom. Teachers must set an example for students when it comes to taking risks and making mistakes. Students will understand that it is ok to make mistakes through observing their teacher. Seeing risk taking from their teacher helps them in believing that it is ok to take risks and never give up. By making mistakes you only grow and learn from it and students need to be able to experience that.


  1. I agree that teachers should take risks because if we do not, how do we expect our students to see us a role models and take risks themselves? We should not fear to make mistakes but learn to grow from them.


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