
Showing posts from March, 2019

Blog Post 8

                         TLNT Chapter 7 This chapter discusses problem solving and how important it is for students to learn how to think computationally. When I was in elementary school we never used the amazing resources that elementary schools are provided with now- a- days. Today students are able to use a variety of technology programs to problem solve. One thing this chapter talks about is coding and how students are able to practice how to read and write their codes in order to see their creative ideas on the screen in front of them. I think this a great tool for students to have available to them. Through coding they are using a variety of problem solving skills such as making judgments, creating their own rules, looking closely at their work etc. I know I would have loved to use these programs as a child and it would’ve really helped me learn since I am a visual learner and seeing my ideas right in-front of me would really help me in perfecting my thoughts. One of the cod

Blog Post 7

                                            TLNT Chapter 6             As a teacher it is important to be familiar with a variety of resources to use inside and outside of the classroom, as well as provide parents and students with websites they can use. This chapter does a great job of explaining the different types of educational websites and which ones are for teachers, parents, or students. There are six different types of educational websites including: Lesson Plan websites, Student to expert communication websites, real-time and recorded data websites, archival and primary source websites, skills/ practices websites, and exploration and discovery websites. I have been able to learn so much more about the different types of educational websites and which ones would help me best as a teacher to support my students. I really enjoyed learning about Interactives: Annenberg Media. This is a skills/ practice website where students can practice all different content areas with the u

Blog Post 6

                    Tasks Before Apps Chapter 3 This chapter discusses how technology furthers students’ curiosity, which reinforces their critical thinking skills. By using technology, students are able to look up more information and resources on what they are learning in class. The text explains how having QR codes on the back of the classroom library books is a way to further the student’s curiosity with technology. I have heard of QR codes but have never actually used one myself for books. I think this is a great way for students to learn more about a book that they are thinking of reading. When they scan the QR code a trailer video created by the students pops up and they explain the story. My second grade students would love having this apart of our classroom. Being able to create a video about the book is good for students to do because it makes them think about hat the story they read is about and include important details to share with the viewers of their trailer. St

Blog Post 5

                            Tasks Before Apps Chapter 3             Furthering students’ curiosity and finding methods that will grasp the students’ attention and understanding is very important to do as a teacher. I really enjoyed learning more about virtual reality within this chapter. The use of VR in the classroom is a great way to further students’ curiosity by allowing the students to experience real life events without actually being there. It is especially great for the students who are too shy to voice their thoughts and ask questions on a daily basis. Through VR they are able to answer their own questions through what they are observing in that moment. This would be useful in my classroom because second graders are so curious and always have so many questions and having visuals and examples to understand the information is a great way to provide students with the visuals that they need to better understand a topic that we are learning. Nurturing Young Innovators Ch