Blog Post 6


Tasks Before Apps Chapter 3
This chapter discusses how technology furthers students’ curiosity, which reinforces their critical thinking skills. By using technology, students are able to look up more information and resources on what they are learning in class. The text explains how having QR codes on the back of the classroom library books is a way to further the student’s curiosity with technology. I have heard of QR codes but have never actually used one myself for books. I think this is a great way for students to learn more about a book that they are thinking of reading. When they scan the QR code a trailer video created by the students pops up and they explain the story. My second grade students would love having this apart of our classroom. Being able to create a video about the book is good for students to do because it makes them think about hat the story they read is about and include important details to share with the viewers of their trailer. Students would definitely benefit from this feature and help them choose the perfect book for them to read.

TLBG Chapter 1
            This chapter gave some great strategies to use when it comes to using technology within your class. The class I currently student teach in whenever we use technology the teachers and I walk around the room to monitor if they are doing the right thing. Students have been trained to do two strategies that are mentioned in this text, which is dock your device and show me your screen. As soon as we say dock your device or, show me your screen the student knows automatically what they have to do. These two strategies have been working with our class and students understand that these are apart of our technology rules and it is important to abide by them. I really liked reading about the strategy of color- coding technology assignments. We color code directions within our assignments but not as much as just color coding the subjects. This is something that in the future is a good idea to do because then students will automatically know what subject goes with a color and will cause for quicker access to assignments.

TLNT Chapter 4

            Using technology within lesson plans is a great way to enhance students understanding of the topic at hand. As mentioned in this chapter there is so many different resources available to teachers and students for classroom and outside of the classroom use such as presentations, web quests, blogs, wikis, and podcasts. By using presentations and visuals is a great way for students to actually be able to visually see what they are learning about. By creating these online tools such as power points, as a teacher you are then able to post them on the classroom website so that students have this tool to look at when they go home.


  1. Regarding your post on TLNT chapter 4 allowing students to have access to power points not only in class but at home is a great tool that gives students the ability to continue their learning, have help with homework and study for exams.


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