Blog Post 8

TLNT Chapter 7
This chapter discusses problem solving and how important it is for students to learn how to think computationally. When I was in elementary school we never used the amazing resources that elementary schools are provided with now- a- days. Today students are able to use a variety of technology programs to problem solve. One thing this chapter talks about is coding and how students are able to practice how to read and write their codes in order to see their creative ideas on the screen in front of them. I think this a great tool for students to have available to them. Through coding they are using a variety of problem solving skills such as making judgments, creating their own rules, looking closely at their work etc. I know I would have loved to use these programs as a child and it would’ve really helped me learn since I am a visual learner and seeing my ideas right in-front of me would really help me in perfecting my thoughts. One of the coding programs that I learned more about within this chapter is Scratch Jr. I think this would be a great app to use with my second graders; they would be able to code their own stories or games to express their thoughts creatively.

TTLBG Chapter 3 Strategy 5:
            Strategy 5 is all about how to use games for educational purposes. Through games students are able to learn about a topic while having fun. As a teacher you can also provide students with games based on their needs as learners, which I believe is a great tool for differentiation. This chapter helps you better understand what you need to do as an educator before you allow your students to play online educational games. It is very important to play the games yourself before your students do. This is because you will be able to see if the games are of appropriate age level and content for your students. You are also able to categorize the games for students and their specific needs. I also think the use of students playing the games in teams is a great idea. By working in teams they have to discuss the game and how to play it together. They are able to bounce their ideas and learn from one another to be able to complete the game. The students in my class absolutely love to play games during class time and I really do see the benefits of playing an interactive game to teach educational content. Students are able to learn about a topic in a fun environment where they are in control and must make decisions on their own within the game!


  1. Hi Brianna,
    As you said my students also love to play games during class and it is such a great tool to utilize that provides differentiation and a fun way to change up a lesson. Another classmate mentioned prodigy which is something new to me that I will look into. I like how you mentioned students working in teams as this does give the students a chance to engage in conversations.

  2. I think you brought up a great point about games in the classroom. Collaboration within games is a great way to get students to work together and learn from one another. Students can learn so much from one another, more than most people realize. If students are allowed to have conversational about an educational topic, especially when games are involved, students will have meaningful learning experiences.


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