Blog Post 5

Tasks Before Apps Chapter 3
            Furthering students’ curiosity and finding methods that will grasp the students’ attention and understanding is very important to do as a teacher. I really enjoyed learning more about virtual reality within this chapter. The use of VR in the classroom is a great way to further students’ curiosity by allowing the students to experience real life events without actually being there. It is especially great for the students who are too shy to voice their thoughts and ask questions on a daily basis. Through VR they are able to answer their own questions through what they are observing in that moment. This would be useful in my classroom because second graders are so curious and always have so many questions and having visuals and examples to understand the information is a great way to provide students with the visuals that they need to better understand a topic that we are learning.

Nurturing Young Innovators Chapter 5
            This chapter discusses the importance of students as innovative designers and computational thinkers. To create for students to become innovative designers and computational thinkers it is important for students to have a space solely for creation. Since many classrooms are way too crowded and do not provide space for this type of learning on a regular basis programs such as STEAM and the arts are so vital in schools. In the school I student teach in my class goes to STEAM once a week and the students really get to be creative thinkers. During STEAM I have seen how much the students benefit from this type of instruction. Each student has a makerspace in the STEAM room and students work together to create and innovate ideas. They are able to learn so much and take those ideas home with them as well. I have seen many of my students so inspired from what they learn during steam that they go home and continue creating at home. Providing makerspace in school allows students to take that concept home as well and keep using their creativity outside of the classroom.


  1. Hi Brianna,
    In your post I like how you mentioned the use of VR in the class and how that tool would help those students who are shy to ask questions and share their thoughts. Offering this as an option would benefit the success of those students who are not outgoing. Second grade is a group that asks soo many questions and providing any form of visual aids is important.

  2. The STEAM program is a great thing to have in any school. Sometimes students can become so focused on the right and wrongs of school that they can forget to be creative. Creativity is all about making mistakes, seeing what works and having fun. It gives students a chance to explore their own thinking.


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