
Showing posts from April, 2019

Blog Post 11

                                    TLNT Chapter 11:              Self-assessment is very beneficial for teachers, as well as students to partake in. Finding ways to self-evaluate has become much easier with the help of technology. A performance assessment that I think it is great for both teachers, and students to partake in are digital portfolios. As a student digital portfolios are a great way to self-assess what you have learned, show your teacher what you have learned and the process you had to take to accomplish the results you received. As a teacher you are able to display your teaching strategies, lesson plans, etc in your digital portfolio and determine if the work you have done was beneficial for you students. Teaching students about digital portfolios also opens new digital tools that they are able to use such as video, and audio tools to show their work such as YouTube, and Garage Band. I also like the use of digital portfolios for student use becaus

Blog Post 10

                                         TLNT Chapter 10:             It is important for all students to have resources available to them to make them successful learners. The technology available to students of all cultures has really made a difference in students understanding of content. I have had the opportunity to visit the ELL class in the school that I student teach at and the use of technology is so beneficial. Students are able to use their home language on technology and it really makes a difference in their understanding and confidence. There are so many types of online resources for students of all languages and this chapter does a great job of informing teachers with resources they can use in the classroom. Handheld spellers and dictionaries could be so beneficial for classroom instruction and could all help students learn new words and their definitions. This not only shows students the words and definitions but the students can also listen to the words aloud. All

Blog Post 9

                                          TLNT Chapter 9:             There are so many different multimedia tools that teachers can use to incorporate the students’ creativity within their learning. Chapter 9 does a great job of explaining those tools that students’ as well as teachers could use creatively to express their learning across the content areas. There are so many cool multimedia tools that I never knew about that would definitely engage the students in learning. Adobe Voice is one of these tools that students would love. With Adobe Voice you can make presentations and include your own drawings, graphics, voice and background music. This is a tool that allows students to think creatively and express themselves, which makes learning enjoyable for the students. Another tool that I think would promote student creativity and knowledge is Glogster. With Glogster the students and teacher could make digital posters with the use of images, sound, and graphics with text about