Blog Post 11


TLNT Chapter 11:

            Self-assessment is very beneficial for teachers, as well as students to partake in. Finding ways to self-evaluate has become much easier with the help of technology. A performance assessment that I think it is great for both teachers, and students to partake in are digital portfolios. As a student digital portfolios are a great way to self-assess what you have learned, show your teacher what you have learned and the process you had to take to accomplish the results you received. As a teacher you are able to display your teaching strategies, lesson plans, etc in your digital portfolio and determine if the work you have done was beneficial for you students. Teaching students about digital portfolios also opens new digital tools that they are able to use such as video, and audio tools to show their work such as YouTube, and Garage Band. I also like the use of digital portfolios for student use because they can display all of the work they have done throughout the school year and they will essentially have a digital notebook that they could refer to throughout the school year and refresh their memory on any topics they have learned so far and how they have done on those assignments. Using digital portfolios also promotes learning and self-reflection because as you look at your work displayed you can easily update and add new ideas and thoughts that you have discovered. Teaching students’ how to create digital portfolios at an early age is a great tool that they can use throughout their adult life and could create digital portfolios for their future career field that they could use to display their field of study and utilize on job interviews.


  1. I think the use of digital portfolios is a great way to allow students to self reflect. I also think a digital portfolio would be a great way for the students to review for big tests or exams. All of their work can be found in one place that the student will have easy access to. I also think keeping everything the students have done in a digital portfolio will make everything neater and more organized than just having it in their notebook.

  2. Hi Brianna,

    I liked the sentence that you started with: "Self-assessment is very beneficial for teachers, as well as students to partake in." I think this statement is very true because, as teachers, we are also constantly taking on the role of learners, as well. I feel as if we often forget that, so mechanisms such as self-assessment are very important.



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