Blog Post 9


TLNT Chapter 9:
            There are so many different multimedia tools that teachers can use to incorporate the students’ creativity within their learning. Chapter 9 does a great job of explaining those tools that students’ as well as teachers could use creatively to express their learning across the content areas. There are so many cool multimedia tools that I never knew about that would definitely engage the students in learning. Adobe Voice is one of these tools that students would love. With Adobe Voice you can make presentations and include your own drawings, graphics, voice and background music. This is a tool that allows students to think creatively and express themselves, which makes learning enjoyable for the students. Another tool that I think would promote student creativity and knowledge is Glogster. With Glogster the students and teacher could make digital posters with the use of images, sound, and graphics with text about a topic being taught in the classroom. They are then able to email their glogs (digital poster) to others or post it on a class website. I think this would be a great idea for a class website and would allow students to upload their digital poster and their peers are able to view them. Teachers could even make an assignment out of the students’ glogs by having them comment on their peers digital posters on what they liked about it and any suggestions they may have. This is a great way for students to learn something new that maybe they did not realize as well as help their classmates by suggesting something they could improve in the future.

TTLBG Chapter 3 Strategy 3, and 4:
            Strategy 3 discusses how using videos inside and outside of the classroom are very beneficial to the students’. Videos are a great tool because many students’ already know how to create videos. In this day and age children are holding a phone when they are toddlers, so majority of them have already played around with taking pictures and making videos on their parents phone or computers. Knowing this prior to the classroom makes it easier for teachers to incorporate making videos within the classroom more manageable. Videos can also be used for all content areas and can be used in fun ways. From this strategy I learned about a fifth grade teacher who had her students’ create a rap on divisibility. This is such a fun way to have students engaged within a math topic and learning about it at the same time. Videos create for a fun learning experience where students’ may not even realize that they are learning because of how much fun they are having.
            Strategy 4 from this chapter discusses using QR, AR, and other scannable technology inside and outside of the classroom. For those of you who do not know QR codes, stands for quick response codes and AR codes stands for augmented reality codes. These codes can be very beneficial to students and provide them with different ways of learning. With the use of AR codes students are able to bring people, places and things to life. This is very exciting and a great way to engage the students actively within the learning. QR codes are also great for students because it gives them easy access to resources by being able to just scan a code quickly and from that code they are redirected to resources such as websites, videos, etc. The use of AR, QR, and other scannable codes creates for a new and exciting way of learning and engagement for students’ whether they are at home or in the classroom.


  1. I think videos are great to use in the classroom. Videos can be used in every classroom for every type of student. I find it helpful to allow the students to watch the video twice to make sure they understand all the important information.

  2. I also agree that videos are very beneficial and efficient to use in the classroom. Many students have been exposed to this already with their phones, so using it in a classroom is a great way to engage students in any subject area.


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