Blog Post 12


TLNT Chapter 12:

            As discussed in chapter 12 the integration of technology in everyday learning is an amazing way to facilitate student-centered learning. There are many different ways to integrate technology within the classroom such as by using iPads or computers. Students’ are able to access educational platforms to engage in activities based on the topics they are learning in the classroom. The second grade class I student teach in uses the app Seesaw. This is a great app where you can choose learning activities to use and upload them on you class seesaw page. Students all have their own seesaw account and can access those activities. There are so many interactive activities for the students’ to engage in such as typing out their answers, to audio recording them. This is a fun way for students’ to implement the strategies they have been learning in the classroom. As mentioned in the chapter, teachers can even provide students’ with these interactive sites and apps to perform on their own time at home. This is a great way to provide students’ with an engaging way to learn inside and outside of the classroom.


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